One of the first folks I met on Twitter that I didn’t already know in real life was Zack Tremblay. Zack was just starting to make a name for himself as an music interviewer and reporter. In the past year he’s exploded, interviewing everyone in his age range from Justin Bieber to Allstar Weekend. He’s an authentic guy, truly passionate about the performers whose work he loves. I owe Zack a big thanks: if I hadn’t seen him tweet about Burnham, I’d not have gotten to know their music and more importantly the entire Burnham family.
Zack Tremblay
I conducted this interview with Zack a few weeks ago, and then dropped the ball and didn’t run it as quickly as I’d intended. So here it is. Thanks for being patient, Zack!
ANTHONY: Hey, Zack, thanks for letting me turn the tables and interview you. We’ve chatted on Twitter and Facebook informally, but this is our first “official” chat. So first off: you’re making quite a name for yourself as an interviewer. How did you get started down this road?
ZACK: I got started about a year ago! I actually inteviewed one of my good friends Ayla Brown from American Idol. After posting it people just kept asking if I had more interviews and I just decided to keep it going. I landed my first big interview with Hollywood Records recording artist Jesse McCartney which really kicked off my career in the entertainment industry.
ANTHONY: What’s been the biggest factor in your growth as an interviewer?
ZACK: I watch a lot of my interviews back, I always find an area that need improvement! If you were to watch one of my first interviews from a year ago and then watch one of my interviews now you can see the growth and my improvement in some areas.
ANTHONY: You’ve interviewed a lot of interesting up-and-coming musicians, so let’s play some word association. First word that pops into your mind when you think of:
Justin Bieber – Swag lol
Burnham – Brothers
KE$HA – the dollar sign
Allstar Weekend – Good Friends
Katelyn Tarver – Big Time Rush
Christina Grimmie – Piano & Selena Gomez
Zack Montana – Radio Disney
Jesse McCartney – Had It All
ANTHONY: Who are your dream ‘gets,’ the folks you’re dying to interview?
ZACK: I’d love to sit down with Taylor Swift!
ANTHONY: Tell us a bit about “Tremblay Tonight.”
ZACK: ‘Tremblay Tonight’ is my new series that premiered earlier this month! I have been planning this for quite some time and I have some exiting things in the works!
ANTHONY: How often will we be seeing new Tremblay Tonight episodes?
ZACK: You can catch ‘Tremblay Tonight’ every Sunday Night at 8/7c on my Official YouTube Page! One last thing: you can catch the 2011 ZMT Awards Presented by ‘Tremblay Tonight’ on December 18, 2011 at 8/7c! Special guests, performers and more TBA!
ANTHONY: You started up a charity group a while back. How’s that developing, and what can people do to be involved?
ZACK: ‘Tremblay Wings’ has been going really well! I kicked things off last month with a Charity event for Hasbro Children’s Hospital and ended up raising over $1,000! I have some big things in the works and I am currently planning something special for the Make a Wish foundation! And opportunities to help out with ‘Tremblay Wings’ will be coming real soon.
ANTHONY: You know I have to ask: are you related to mystery/noir author Paul G. Tremblay?
ZACK: No. lol
ANTHONY: And my usual final question: What is your favorite book, and what would you say to someone who has not read it in order to convince them that they should?
ZACK: I have to be honest, I don’t read very often but I have read the twilight series and all I have to say about that is: if you enjoy the movies you will like the books 10000 time better!
Finally I would like to say thank you to all my fans #TeamZackTremblay you guys are amazing and I would not be doing what I’m doing without the love and support you guys give me every day! I have some very exciting things coming up that I can’t speak of just yet but trust me you guys are going to be in for a wonderful surprise and thank you Anthony for always supporting me! You’re awesome –Z
ANTHONY: Thanks, Zack! Best of luck, and let’s talk again soon!
You can find Zack on Facebook, follow him on Twitter as @ZackTremblay, view Tremblay Tonight and other interviews on Zack’s Youtube channel, and visit his official website.