Reading Round-Up: 2024

Time for my annual round-up of what I read and watched in 2024.


I … did not do well on most of the reading and watching challenges I set for myself for 2024. Even though so many of them overlapped (the Graphic Novel Challenge and Non-Fiction Challenge and TBR Challenge all fed into my Goodreads (Read 120 books) Challenge, for examples). I managed to complete the two “big” reading challenges (120 books, 366 short stories), but didn’t come close on the subsidiary challenges. Nor did I come close on my “watching” challenges, as we’ll see below. I did do well on my “see live theater” challenge, as discussed in yesterday’s post.




I did manage to read 120 books in 2024: 13 hardcovers, 49 softcover/paperbacks, 35 e-books, and 23 audiobooks.


Monthly distribution: 10 in January; 9 in February; 8 in March; 15 in April; 9 in May; 9 in June; 14 in July; 8 in August; 7 in September; 11 in October; 5 in November; and 15 in December.


I read work from approximately 110 different creators (authors and anthology editors mostly, but also adding in graphic novels artists, colorists, and letterers).


Genre Breakdown:

·       Adventure: 4

·       Biography: 1

·       Children’s Books: 3

·       Crime: 2

·       Pop culture analysis: 4

·       Fantasy: 23

·       Historical fiction: 3

·       History: 2

·       Horror: 22

·       Memoirs: 13

·       Mimetic/current day fiction: 3

·       Mixed genre short story collections: 2

·       Mystery: 2

·       Playscripts: 3

·       Romance: 7

·       Science Fiction: 13

·       Spy fiction: 1

·       Superhero: 9

·       Thriller: 1


These were my own rough classifications, and in hindsight I’m not sure why I broke crime fiction, mysteries, spy fiction, and thrillers into separate categories. I was surprised to realize I read a lot more horror than I thought, and fewer memoirs than I thought. And also, for the first year in a while, not a single poetry collection. I am not a big poetry reader, but I usually like to at least try to read a collection or two during National Poetry Month.




I did manage to read 366 short stories in 2024 (since 2024 was a leap year), by 200 different authors.


The monthly breakdown: 26 in January; 19 in February; 34 in March; 42 in April; 37 in May; 21 in June; 23 in July; 24 in August; 44 in September; 31 in October; 22 in November, and 43 in December.


46 of those stories were in anthologies (there were quite a few anthologies that I only read a story or two in, though); 7 were on Author Patreons or websites; 6 were in printed chapbooks; 124 were in single-author collections; 175 were in magazines (pretty much all in e-book form); 4 were additional material at the back of a novel; 1 was on a publisher’s website; and 2 were stand-alone e-books.


Genre breakdown:

·       Comedy: 1

·       Crime: 22

·       Fantasy: 109

·       Horror: 118

·       Mimetic/modern-day: 11

·       Mystery: 1

·       Pulp adventure: 4

·       Romance: 6

·       Science Fiction: 92

·       Spy fiction: 1

·       Thriller: 1



Again, I’m surprised that I read a bit more horror than I thought I did. And I’m still not sure why I separated crime, mystery, and thriller into distinct subcategories. With the magazines in particular, I tended to stick to familiar ground: Lightspeed, Nightmare, Clarkesworld, The Dark, and towards the end of the year Beneath Ceaseless Skies a bit more regularly. Towards the end of the year I also realized that I have a lot of anthologies that have been on my shelves a long time and that I will probably never get around to reading in their entirety, so I started just reading a story or two in random anthologies before putting them in the “bring to the used bookstore or donate” boxes.




I didn’t even come close on my “watch 52 movies” challenge. But I did make it to 24, so kind of half-way there.


I had challenged myself to watch more of the several hundred DVDs I own (split between movies and television series). 17 of the 24 movies watched were on DVD. 6 were on streaming services, and 1 was in a ballroom at the Pulpfest convention.


Genre breakdown:

·       Action: 1

·       Biography: 1

·       Documentary: 1

·       Horror: 2

·       Kaiju: 8 (all the Showa Era “Gamera” movies)

·       Musical: 1

·       Mystery: 1

·       Noir: 2

·       Romance: 1

·       Science Fiction: 1

·       Super-Heroes: 3

·       Thriller: 1


These 24 movies were the work of 19 different directors.





I did a little better on my “watch 366 episodes of television” challenge. I managed 232 distinct episodes across 21 series on 8 different streaming services (plus 4 episodes of Doctor Who watched in full at the Pandorica Restaurant in Beacon NY, which you really should visit if you’re a Doctor Who fan and you’re in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area).


Genre breakdown:

·       Comedy: 3 series

·       Fantasy: 5 series

·       Romance: 1 series

·       Science Fiction: 5 series

·       Spy: 1 series

·       Super-Heroes: 3 series

·       Talk Show: 1 series

·       Variety/Comedy Specials: 2






Summary of Challenges:

“To Be Read” Challenge: 7 of 15 read.

366 Short Stories Challenge: 366 of 366 read.

Goodreads Challenge: 120 of 120 read.

Graphic Novels Challenge: 17 of 52 read.

Non-Fiction Challenge: 22 of 12 read.

Read the Book / Watch the Movie Challenge: YTD: 2 read/watched.

Movie Challenge: 24 of 52 watched.

TV Shows Challenge: 232 of 366 watched.