This is a week of posts related to various Kickstarter projects I’ve backed and hope you will too. None of them are my own (currently, I’ve got nothing I think I should be doing a Kickstarter for), but all of these are important to me for one reason or another. Some of them are projects of friends. Some of them are just projects I think are cool. Most of them are both.
Today’s spotlight is on CROSSED GENRES. CG started as an online magazine, then became a publisher. They recently hit a financial setback and turned to Kickstarter to rejuvenate. And so far the campaign has not only exceeded expectations, it’s exceeded one stretch goal and, with a few days to go, looks to meet a second stretch goal as well. If they can raise a few more bucks, they can follow through on their intention to pay authors pro rates. I’d love to see this happen, and not only because I plan to eventually submit work to them!
I conducted a new, short interview with publisher Bart Leib about the campaign and their goals:
Crossed Genres
ANTHONY: What is the main concept for Crossed Genres?
BART: Our small press started with our magazine. Each month we choose a genre or theme, and all submissions for that issue have to combine the theme with some aspect of science fiction and/or fantasy. We’ll continue this when we resurrect the magazine in 2013. And if we succeed in reaching our 2nd stretch goal, we’ll achieve a long-time dream of ours: to pay writers professional rates for their stories!
ANTHONY: What can readers expect in your first issue and beyond?
BART: Our “first” issue will actually be our 37th! We haven’t actually decided what the first new genres will be, but we have plenty to choose from – we have a list of over eight years worth of themes that we didn’t get to during the first three years. If we reach our stretch goal to pay professional rates, it may influence the themes, but no matter what, the themes will be diverse and progressive.
ANTHONY: What is Crossed Genres Magazine’ policy on open submissions from authors?
BART: CG Magazine has always had open submissions. That will continue when we re-launch in 2013.
ANTHONY: What made you choose Kickstarter for your fundraising efforts, as opposed to IndieGoGo or any of the other tools out there?
BART: We had already run two successful Kickstarter campaigns. Actually we were fairly early adapters, running our first campaign in early 2010. We were already familiar with the process of going through Kickstarter, which makes everything very streamlined and simple. It also has a great existing ecosystem, and that helps more people find the campaign.
ANTHONY: Looking back, is there anything you’d change about your campaign?
BART: Well it’s still going on, but we do wish we’d known ahead of time that it was going to be such a success! Most things have gone very well, and we only wish we could offer even more to our amazing backers! But the rewards we are offering have been very well received. Really the only “regret” is that we haven’t reached even more people!
ANTHONY: How can people who missed out on the Kickstarter subscribe/become supporters of Crossed Genres?
BART: Our Kickstarter is still going on! It runs until 5PM EST on Friday, June 22! There’s still time to get some great rewards and help us become a pro-rate market!