We all know how much I love ONCE UPON A TIME. A few weeks back, I interviewed actor Michael Coleman, who plays Happy the Dwarf on ONCE. That was the first of what I hope will eventually be interviews with all of #Team7. Here’s the second. Through Twitter (@faustinodibauda) and Facebook I’ve had the chance to chat with Faustino Di Bauda, who plays Sleepy/Walter.
ANTHONY: Let’s start with the usual: what inspired your love of acting and where did you get your start?
FAUSTINO: As a kid growing up in suburban Vancouver I always loved live performances, plays, TV shows and movies yet I was excited and terrified when put on stage and therefore dismissed the notion of acting. My 1st language is Italian and when I was young I often struggled with finding the words to express myself properly. As I grew up I discovered I was quite good at sports which offered me a stage and I would perform and get recognition thru my actions. If I won they would cheerJ. Sports were: running, baseball, rugby, football, wrestling and boxing. Wrestling was the sport I excelled at most.
It wasn’t till in my mid thirties that I got the nod for acting. I got into a series of automobile accidents getting hit from behind on a Saturday and then again on the following Sunday from the side and later a year later hit again. At the time I was a self employed Stone Mason and due to these accidents my work was difficult to do, so underwent physical therapy to mend myself and in doing so discovered yoga. Later I met a Swami at a yoga workshop who invited me to a yoga retreat in India. I wanted to go but was financially strapped at the time until one day as I was returning to my car after a doctor’s appointment I discovered my automobile was struck from behind and was a total loss and the insurance company purchased it from me and then I had money and went to India. That day at the doctors I was on my way to my car about 5 minutes earlier and was stopped by the receptionist to sign some paper work and if I wasn’t I would have been in my parked car when it was hit. A lot of things were going thru my mind at the time but something told me to stop driving and go to India so I did.
At the retreat I was feeling pretty good and one day at the ashram I was joking around with the Swami’s and one the Swami’s asked me if I was an actor which I replied no and then he said that I should become an actor. So a year and half later, more therapy, yoga, another trip to India and a bunch of meditation made the realization and took the steps to become an actor. So life inspired me to become an actor I guess J and started my training at Lyric School of Acting.
ANTHONY: How do you typically prepare for a character or scene?
FAUSTINO: First by reading the material presented to me by my agent, doing as much research as possible for character, show, movie etc., building the dialogue of the scene(s) auditioning for to memory, What is it about? What do I want? What are my obstacles if any? Relationship, emotional prep. Etc. Building as much life as possible using my life’s experiences and If I believe it then hopefully so will you.
Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy in Once Upon A Time
FAUSTINO: It was my very 1st audition that my agent sent me out for TV and film. Met the casting agents, performed in front of a camera the scene, did so 3 times with different instruction each time. Later I was asked to wait in the hall for a bit. Later that day (20min), I was called in again and asked to perform in front of the Director and Producer where they asked me to do the scene 4 different ways and then said thank you. A week later was called in again to meet the other dwarfs minus Grumpy who was in LA and they taped us all 6 together in character which they sent back to Eddy and Adam I presume to view. That was a Wednesday and I got the call from my agent that following Tuesday that I got the partJ
ANTHONY: What has been your favorite Sleepy scene to film in the first two seasons of Once?
FAUSTINO: The excitement of my 1st day on set ever for ONCE and my 1st ever professional day of work would have to be it. That was the scene in the pilot where Grumpy and Sleepy are in look out for the curse, I fall asleep and Grumpy says Sleepy wake up and then he rings the bell as the curse comes. Meeting Lee that night and him taking me under his wing and having fun doing what we do was amazing. My favorite Storybrooke moment would have to be ep.3 s1 (“Snow Falls”) where I`m Walter the security guard who once again falls asleep while John Doe aka David goes missing. Was another special day but honestly everyday on ONCE has its own magic and is always special moments as they`re so many of them.
… aka Walter the security guard
ANTHONY: I know from talking to Michael Coleman that there is a real camaraderie between the members of #Team7. Did you know any of the other actors prior to joining the show, or did the friendships develop after you were all cast?
FAUSTINO: The only actor that I met prior to joining the show was Mig Macario aka Bashful. The friendships did indeed develop over time working together and over time meeting up on and off set. Love all my cast matesJ
ANTHONY: Of course, after the season two cliff-hanger, we’re all anxious about whether we’ll see #Team7 and the rest of Storybrooke at all in season three. Adam and Eddie, the producers, recently said that “Storybrooke won’t be forgotten.” Have you gotten the call to go back to the set yet?
FAUSTINO: I would love to answer that question but my response is tune in and find outJ
ANTHONY: Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying, right? Haha You’ve appeared in a few other sci-fi/fantasy shows, so I’ll ask you the same question I asked Michael: are you naturally drawn to sf/f shows and movies? And if you are, why?
FAUSTINO: Good question, Vancouver has a long history of sci-fi/fantasy shows going back to X-Files so it seems to be what Vancouver is known for I guess. I like all kinds of cinema and shows but must admit I was a Trekkie growing up and a huge LOST fan as wellJ Why? Probably the fantasy portion of the entertainment is what draws me to the work.
ANTHONY: I’m also a big LOST fan! Now, you also have a feature film coming out in the near future. Tell us about SEVENTH SON and your part in it.
FAUSTINO: Yes I do. Looks like it should be coming to cinemas’ January 2014. I play a Innkeeper and had opportunity to meet and work with Jeff Bridges who is one of the leads in SEVENTH SON. Here is the movie trailer and the IMDB page. I can’t really say too much about it but looks pretty good!
ANTHONY: And my usual closing question: What is your favorite book, and what would you say to someone who has never read it to convince them they should?
FAUSTINO: Shoeless Joe by W. P. Kinsella which is the book that the feature film Field of Dreams was made from. I love the story for its simple message of “if you build it they will come.” It represents to me the power of our creations and that alone should convince anyone.
ANTHONY: Thanks, Faustino!
I wonder who on #Team7 I’ll get to interview next…